Wednesday, November 28, 2007

MN editor wish: People ought to get paid what they're worth

Media News-owned Santa Cruz Sentinel editor Tom Honig has another wish as well: that people would stop complaining about hard-working, honest mainstream journalists long enough to appreciate the work they do.

The editor quit after more than 35 years at the paper. Nine positions out of 38 have been cut in the editorial department, Honig said.

Did that have anything to do with his decision to quit? One has to wonder. Editors don't like loosing staff; they are committed to serving the readers and have a vested interest in their staff members, but the economic squeeze Media News imposes at all its papers slashes staffs to skeleton-crew levels making it impossible to serve the readers. Unfortunately, MediaNews business plans only serve company coffers.

It's up to us to stand united in our commitment to great journalism and informed readers. But right now, it's hard to focus on that commitment when we're in a fight to win a fair and equitable contract that includes the pay raises we deserve. So unlike Honig, we're not leaving.

Email us and tell us what you think.

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